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Bearsampp Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Class ActionCheckVersion

This class is responsible for checking the current version of the application and displaying a window with the latest version information if an update is available. It also handles the user interaction with the window, such as clicking on links or buttons.

This script handles AJAX requests for installing modules in the Bearsampp application. It expects a POST request with 'module', 'version', and optionally 'filesize' parameters.

The script performs the following actions:

  • Includes the QuickPick class.
  • Logs the file access.
  • Creates an instance of the QuickPick class.
  • Sets the response header to JSON.
  • Initializes an empty response array.
  • Checks if the request method is POST.
  • Validates the 'module' and 'version' parameters.
  • Calls the installModule method of the QuickPick class.
  • Constructs a response message based on the installation result.
  • Returns the response as a JSON object.

@subpackage Core