No Matches
QuickPick Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 __construct ()
 checkDownloadId ()
 checkQuickpickJson ()
 fetchAndUnzipModule (string $moduleUrl, string $module)
 getModuleDestinationPath (string $moduleType, string $moduleName)
 getModules ()
 getModuleUrl (string $module, string $version)
 getQuickpickJson ()
 getQuickpickMenu (array $modules, array $versions, string $imagesPath)
 getVersions ()
 installModule (string $module, string $version)
 loadQuickpick (string $imagesPath)
 rebuildQuickpickJson ()

Data Fields

const API_KEY = '4abe15e5-95f2-4663-ad12-eadb245b28b4'
const API_URL = 'https://bearsampp.com/index.php?option=com_osmembership&task=api.get_active_plan_ids&api_key='
const JSON_URL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Bearsampp/Bearsampp/main/core/resources/quickpick-releases.json'

Private Attributes

 $versions = []

Detailed Description

Class QuickPick

The QuickPick class provides functionalities for managing and installing various modules within the Bearsampp application. It includes methods for retrieving available modules, fetching module versions, parsing release properties, and validating license keys.

Definition at line 17 of file class.action.quickPick.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

QuickPick::__construct ( )

Constructor to initialize the jsonFilePath.

Definition at line 77 of file class.action.quickPick.php.

78 {
79 global $bearsamppCore;
80 $this->jsonFilePath = $bearsamppCore->getResourcesPath() . '/quickpick-releases.json';
81 }
global $bearsamppCore

References $bearsamppCore.

Member Function Documentation

◆ checkDownloadId()

QuickPick::checkDownloadId ( )

Validates the format of a given username key by checking it against an external API.

This method performs several checks to ensure the validity of the username key:

  1. Logs the method call.
  2. Ensures the global configuration is available.
  3. Retrieves the username key from the global configuration.
  4. Ensures the username key is not empty.
  5. Constructs the API URL using the username key.
  6. Fetches the API response.
  7. Decodes the JSON response.
  8. Validates the response data.
bool True if the username key is valid, false otherwise.

Definition at line 295 of file class.action.quickPick.php.

295 : bool
296 {
297 global $bearsamppConfig;
299 Util::logDebug( 'checkDownloadId method called.' );
301 // Ensure the global config is available
302 if ( !isset( $bearsamppConfig ) ) {
303 Util::logError( 'Global configuration is not set.' );
305 return false;
306 }
308 $DownloadId = $bearsamppConfig->getDownloadId();
309 Util::logDebug( 'DownloadId is: ' . $DownloadId );
311 // Ensure the license key is not empty
312 if ( empty( $DownloadId ) ) {
313 Util::logError( 'License key is empty.' );
315 return false;
316 }
318 $url = self::API_URL . self::API_KEY . '&download_id=' . $DownloadId;
319 Util::logDebug( 'API URL: ' . $url );
321 $response = @file_get_contents( $url );
323 // Check if the response is false
324 if ( $response === false ) {
325 $error = error_get_last();
326 Util::logError( 'Error fetching API response: ' . $error['message'] );
328 return false;
329 }
331 Util::logDebug( 'API response: ' . $response );
333 $data = json_decode( $response, true );
335 // Check if the JSON decoding was successful
336 if ( json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE ) {
337 Util::logError( 'Error decoding JSON response: ' . json_last_error_msg() );
339 return false;
340 }
342 // Validate the response data
343 if ( isset( $data['success'] ) && $data['success'] === true && isset( $data['data'] ) && is_array( $data['data'] ) && count( $data['data'] ) > 0 ) {
344 Util::logDebug( 'License key valid: ' . $DownloadId );
346 return true;
347 }
349 Util::logError( 'Invalid license key: ' . $DownloadId );
351 return false;
352 }
static logError($data, $file=null)
static logDebug($data, $file=null)
global $bearsamppConfig
Definition homepage.php:26

References $bearsamppConfig, $response, Util\logDebug(), and Util\logError().

Referenced by getQuickpickMenu().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkQuickpickJson()

QuickPick::checkQuickpickJson ( )

Checks if the local quickpick-releases.json file is up-to-date with the remote version.

This method compares the creation time of the local JSON file with the remote file's last modified time. If the remote file is newer or the local file does not exist, it fetches the latest JSON data by calling the rebuildQuickpickJson method.

array|false Returns the JSON data if the remote file is newer or the local file does not exist, otherwise returns false.

Definition at line 123 of file class.action.quickPick.php.

124 {
125 // Initialize variables
126 $localFileCreationTime = 0;
128 // Get the creation time of the local file if it exists
129 if ( file_exists( $this->jsonFilePath ) ) {
130 $localFileCreationTime = filectime( $this->jsonFilePath );
131 }
132 else {
133 $result = $this->rebuildQuickpickJson();
134 }
136 // Get the creation time of the remote file
137 $headers = get_headers( self::JSON_URL, 1 );
138 if ( $headers === false || !isset( $headers['Last-Modified'] ) ) {
139 // If we cannot get the headers or Last-Modified is not set, assume no update is needed
140 return false;
141 }
142 $remoteFileCreationTime = strtotime( $headers['Last-Modified'] );
144 // Compare the creation times
145 if ( $remoteFileCreationTime > $localFileCreationTime || $localFileCreationTime === 0 ) {
146 return $this->rebuildQuickpickJson();
147 }
149 // Return false if the local file is up-to-date
150 return false;
151 }

References $result, and rebuildQuickpickJson().

Referenced by loadQuickpick().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fetchAndUnzipModule()

QuickPick::fetchAndUnzipModule ( string $moduleUrl,
string $module )

Fetches the module URL and stores it in /tmp, then unzips the file based on its extension.

string$moduleUrlThe URL of the module to fetch.
string$moduleThe name of the module.
array An array containing the status and message.

Definition at line 407 of file class.action.quickPick.php.

407 : array
408 {
409 Util::logDebug( "$module is: " . $module );
412 $tmpDir = $bearsamppRoot->getTmpPath();
413 Util::logDebug( 'Temporary Directory: ' . $tmpDir );
415 $fileName = basename( $moduleUrl );
416 Util::logDebug( 'File Name: ' . $fileName );
418 $tmpFilePath = $tmpDir . '/' . $fileName;
419 Util::logDebug( 'File Path: ' . $tmpFilePath );
421 $moduleName = str_replace( 'module-', '', $module );
422 Util::logDebug( 'Module Name: ' . $moduleName );
424 $moduleType = $this->modules[$module]['type'];
425 Util::logDebug( 'Module Type: ' . $moduleType );
427 // Get module type
428 $destination = $this->getModuleDestinationPath( $moduleType, $moduleName );
429 Util::logDebug( 'Destination: ' . $destination );
431 // Retrieve the file path from the URL using the bearsamppCore module,
432 // passing the module URL and temporary file path, with the use Progress Bar parameter set to true.
433 $result = $bearsamppCore->getFileFromUrl( $moduleUrl, $tmpFilePath, true );
435 // Check if $result is false
436 if ( $result === false ) {
437 Util::logError( 'Failed to retrieve file from URL: ' . $moduleUrl );
439 return ['error' => 'Failed to retrieve file from URL'];
440 }
442 // Determine the file extension and call the appropriate unzipping function
443 $fileExtension = pathinfo( $tmpFilePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
444 Util::logDebug( 'File extension: ' . $fileExtension );
446 if ( $fileExtension === '7z' || $fileExtension === 'zip' ) {
447 // Send phase indicator for extraction
448 echo json_encode( ['phase' => 'extracting'] );
449 if ( ob_get_length() ) {
450 ob_flush();
451 }
452 flush();
454 $unzipResult = $bearsamppCore->unzipFile( $tmpFilePath, $destination, function ($currentFile, $totalFiles) {
455 echo json_encode( ['progress' => "$currentFile of $totalFiles"] );
456 if ( ob_get_length() ) {
457 ob_flush();
458 }
459 flush();
460 } );
462 if ( $unzipResult === false ) {
463 return ['error' => 'Failed to unzip file. File: ' . $tmpFilePath . ' could not be unzipped', 'Destination: ' . $destination];
464 }
465 }
466 else {
467 Util::logError( 'Unsupported file extension: ' . $fileExtension );
469 return ['error' => 'Unsupported file extension'];
470 }
472 return ['success' => 'Module installed successfully'];
473 }
global $bearsamppRoot
getModuleDestinationPath(string $moduleType, string $moduleName)

References $bearsamppCore, $bearsamppRoot, $result, getModuleDestinationPath(), Util\logDebug(), and Util\logError().

Referenced by installModule().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getModuleDestinationPath()

QuickPick::getModuleDestinationPath ( string $moduleType,
string $moduleName )

Get the destination path for a given module type and name.

This method constructs the destination path based on the type of module (application, binary, or tools) and the module name. It utilizes the bearsamppRoot global object to retrieve the base paths for each module type.

string$moduleTypeThe type of the module ('application', 'binary', or 'tools').
string$moduleNameThe name of the module.
string The constructed destination path for the module.

Definition at line 487 of file class.action.quickPick.php.

488 {
489 global $bearsamppRoot;
490 if ( $moduleType === 'application' ) {
491 $destination = $bearsamppRoot->getAppsPath() . '/' . strtolower( $moduleName ) . '/';
492 }
493 elseif ( $moduleType === 'binary' ) {
494 $destination = $bearsamppRoot->getBinPath() . '/' . strtolower( $moduleName ) . '/';
495 }
496 elseif ( $moduleType === 'tools' ) {
497 $destination = $bearsamppRoot->getToolsPath() . '/' . strtolower( $moduleName ) . '/';
498 }
499 else {
500 $destination = '';
501 }
503 return $destination;
504 }

References $bearsamppRoot.

Referenced by fetchAndUnzipModule().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getModules()

QuickPick::getModules ( )

Retrieves the list of available modules.

array An array of module names.

Definition at line 88 of file class.action.quickPick.php.

88 : array
89 {
90 return array_keys( $this->modules );
91 }

Referenced by loadQuickpick().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getModuleUrl()

QuickPick::getModuleUrl ( string $module,
string $version )

Fetches the URL of a specified module version from the local quickpick-releases.json file.

This method reads the quickpick-releases.json file to find the URL associated with the given module and version. It logs the process and returns the URL if found, or an error message if not.

string$moduleThe name of the module.
string$versionThe version of the module.
string|array The URL of the specified module version or an error message if the version is not found.

Definition at line 263 of file class.action.quickPick.php.

264 {
265 $this->getVersions();
266 Util::logDebug( 'getModuleUrl called for module: ' . $module . ' version: ' . $version );
267 $url = trim( $this->versions['module-' . strtolower( $module )][$version]['url'] );
268 if ( $url <> '' ) {
269 Util::logDebug( 'Found URL for version: ' . $version . ' URL: ' . $url );
271 return $url;
272 }
273 else {
274 Util::logError( 'Version not found: ' . $version );
276 return ['error' => 'Version not found'];
277 }
278 }

References getVersions(), Util\logDebug(), and Util\logError().

Referenced by installModule().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getQuickpickJson()

QuickPick::getQuickpickJson ( )

Retrieves the QuickPick JSON data from the local file.

array The decoded JSON data, or an error message if the file cannot be fetched or decoded.

Definition at line 158 of file class.action.quickPick.php.

158 : array
159 {
160 $content = @file_get_contents( $this->jsonFilePath );
161 if ( $content === false ) {
162 Util::logError( 'Error fetching content from JSON file: ' . $this->jsonFilePath );
164 return ['error' => 'Error fetching JSON file'];
165 }
167 $data = json_decode( $content, true );
168 if ( json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE ) {
169 Util::logError( 'Error decoding JSON content: ' . json_last_error_msg() );
171 return ['error' => 'Error decoding JSON content'];
172 }
174 return $data;
175 }

References Util\logError().

Referenced by getVersions().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getQuickpickMenu()

QuickPick::getQuickpickMenu ( array $modules,
array $versions,
string $imagesPath )

Generates the HTML content for the QuickPick menu.

This method creates the HTML structure for the QuickPick interface, including a dropdown for selecting modules and their respective versions. It checks if the license key is valid before displaying the modules. If the license key is invalid, it displays a subscription prompt. If there is no internet connection, it displays a message indicating the lack of internet.

array$modulesAn array of available modules.
array$versionsAn associative array where the key is the module name and the value is an array containing the module versions.
string$imagesPathThe path to the images directory.
string The HTML content of the QuickPick menu.

Definition at line 520 of file class.action.quickPick.php.

520 : string
521 {
522 ob_start();
523 if ( Util::checkInternetState() ) {
525 // Check if the license key is valid
526 if ( $this->checkDownloadId() ): ?>
527 <div id = 'quickPickContainer'>
528 <div class = 'quickpick me-5'>
530 <div class = "custom-select">
531 <button class = "select-button" role = "combobox"
532 aria-label = "select button"
533 aria-haspopup = "listbox"
534 aria-expanded = "false"
535 aria-controls = "select-dropdown">
536 <span class = "selected-value">Select a module and version</span>
537 <span class = "arrow"></span>
538 </button>
539 <ul class = "select-dropdown" role = "listbox" id = "select-dropdown">
541 <?php
542 foreach ( $modules as $module ): ?>
543 <?php if ( is_string( $module ) ): ?>
544 <li role = "option" class = "moduleheader">
545 <?php echo htmlspecialchars( $module ); ?>
546 </li>
548 <?php
549 foreach ( $versions['module-' . strtolower( $module )] as $version_array ): ?>
550 <li role = "option" class = "moduleoption"
551 id = "<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $module ); ?>-version-<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $version_array['version'] ); ?>-li">
552 <input type = "radio"
553 id = "<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $module ); ?>-version-<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $version_array['version'] ); ?>"
554 name = "module" data-module = "<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $module ); ?>"
555 data-value = "<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $version_array['version'] ); ?>">
556 <label
557 for = "<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $module ); ?>-version-<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $version_array['version'] ); ?>"><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $version_array['version'] ); ?></label>
558 </li>
559 <?php endforeach; ?>
560 <?php endif; ?>
561 <?php endforeach; ?>
562 </ul>
563 </div>
564 </div>
565 <div class = "progress " id = "progress" tabindex = "-1" style = "width:260px;display:none"
566 aria-labelledby = "progressbar" aria-hidden = "true">
567 <div class = "progress-bar progress-bar-striped progress-bar-animated" id = "progress-bar" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "0" aria-valuemin = "0"
568 aria-valuemax = "100" data-module = "Module"
569 data-version = "0.0.0">0%
570 </div>
571 <div id = "download-module" style = "display: none">ModuleName</div>
572 <div id = "download-version" style = "display: none">Version</div>
573 </div>
574 </div>
575 <?php else: ?>
576 <div id = "subscribeContainer" class = "text-center mt-3 pe-3">
577 <a href = "<?php echo Util::getWebsiteUrl( 'subscribe' ); ?>" class = "btn btn-dark d-inline-flex align-items-center">
578 <img src = "<?php echo $imagesPath . 'subscribe.svg'; ?>" alt = "Subscribe Icon" class = "me-2">
579 Subscribe to QuickPick now
580 </a>
581 </div>
582 <?php endif;
583 }
584 else {
585 ?>
586 <div id = "InternetState" class = "text-center mt-3 pe-3">
587 <img src = "<?php echo $imagesPath . 'no-wifi-icon.svg'; ?>" alt = "No Wifi Icon" class = "me-2">
588 <span>No internet present</span>
589 </div>
590 <?php
591 }
593 return ob_get_clean();
594 }
static getWebsiteUrl($path='', $fragment='', $utmSource=true)
static checkInternetState()
Definition homepage.php:37

References $imagesPath, checkDownloadId(), Util\checkInternetState(), and Util\getWebsiteUrl().

Referenced by loadQuickpick().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getVersions()

QuickPick::getVersions ( )

Retrieves the list of available versions for all modules.

This method fetches the QuickPick JSON data and returns an array of versions or If no versions are found, an error message is logged and returned.

array An array of version strings for the specified module, or an error message if no versions are found.

Definition at line 218 of file class.action.quickPick.php.

218 : array
219 {
220 Util::logDebug( 'Versions called' );
222 $versions = [];
224 $jsonData = $this->getQuickpickJson();
226 foreach ( $jsonData as $entry ) {
227 if ( is_array( $entry ) ) {
228 if ( isset( $entry['module'] ) && is_string( $entry['module'] ) ) {
229 if ( isset( $entry['versions'] ) && is_array( $entry['versions'] ) ) {
230 $versions[$entry['module']] = array_column( $entry['versions'], null, 'version' );
231 }
232 }
233 }
234 else {
235 Util::logError( 'Invalid entry format in JSON data' );
236 }
237 }
239 if ( empty( $versions ) ) {
240 Util::logError( 'No versions found' );
242 return ['error' => 'No versions found'];
243 }
245 Util::logDebug( 'Found versions' );
247 $this->versions = $versions;
249 return $versions;
250 }

References $versions, getQuickpickJson(), Util\logDebug(), and Util\logError().

Referenced by getModuleUrl(), and loadQuickpick().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ installModule()

QuickPick::installModule ( string $module,
string $version )

Installs a specified module by fetching its URL and unzipping its contents.

This method retrieves the URL of the specified module and version from the QuickPick JSON data. If the URL is found, it fetches and unzips the module. If the URL is not found, it logs an error and returns an error message.

string$moduleThe name of the module to install.
string$versionThe version of the module to install.
array An array containing the status and message of the installation process. If successful, it returns the response from the fetchAndUnzipModule method. If unsuccessful, it returns an error message indicating the issue.

Definition at line 368 of file class.action.quickPick.php.

368 : array
369 {
370 // Find the module URL and module name from the data
371 $moduleUrl = $this->getModuleUrl( $module, $version );
373 if ( is_array( $moduleUrl ) && isset( $moduleUrl['error'] ) ) {
374 Util::logError( 'Module URL not found for module: ' . $module . ' version: ' . $version );
376 return ['error' => 'Module URL not found'];
377 }
379 if ( empty( $moduleUrl ) ) {
380 Util::logError( 'Module URL not found for module: ' . $module . ' version: ' . $version );
382 return ['error' => 'Module URL not found'];
383 }
385 $state = Util::checkInternetState();
386 if ( $state ) {
387 $response = $this->fetchAndUnzipModule( $moduleUrl, $module );
388 Util::logDebug( 'Response is: ' . print_r( $response, true ) );
390 return $response;
391 }
392 else {
393 Util::logError( 'No internet connection available.' );
395 return ['error' => 'No internet connection'];
396 }
397 }
fetchAndUnzipModule(string $moduleUrl, string $module)
getModuleUrl(string $module, string $version)

References $response, Util\checkInternetState(), fetchAndUnzipModule(), getModuleUrl(), Util\logDebug(), and Util\logError().

◆ loadQuickpick()

QuickPick::loadQuickpick ( string $imagesPath)

Loads the QuickPick interface with the available modules and their versions.

string$imagesPathThe path to the images directory.
string The HTML content of the QuickPick interface.

Definition at line 102 of file class.action.quickPick.php.

102 : string
103 {
104 $this->checkQuickpickJson();
106 $modules = $this->getModules();
107 $versions = $this->getVersions();
110 }
getQuickpickMenu(array $modules, array $versions, string $imagesPath)

References $modules, $versions, checkQuickpickJson(), getModules(), getQuickpickMenu(), and getVersions().

◆ rebuildQuickpickJson()

QuickPick::rebuildQuickpickJson ( )

Rebuilds the local quickpick-releases.json file by fetching the latest data from the remote URL.

array An array containing the status and message of the rebuild process.
ExceptionIf the JSON content cannot be fetched or saved.

Definition at line 183 of file class.action.quickPick.php.

183 : array
184 {
185 Util::logDebug( 'Fetching JSON file: ' . $this->jsonFilePath );
187 // Define the URL of the remote JSON file
188 $url = self::JSON_URL;
190 // Fetch the JSON content from the URL
191 $jsonContent = file_get_contents( $url );
193 if ( $jsonContent === false ) {
194 // Handle error if the file could not be fetched
195 throw new Exception( 'Failed to fetch JSON content from the URL.' );
196 }
198 // Save the JSON content to the specified path
199 $result = file_put_contents( $this->jsonFilePath, $jsonContent );
201 if ( $result === false ) {
202 // Handle error if the file could not be saved
203 throw new Exception( 'Failed to save JSON content to the specified path.' );
204 }
206 // Return success message
207 return ['success' => 'JSON content fetched and saved successfully'];
208 }

References $result, JSON_URL, and Util\logDebug().

Referenced by checkQuickpickJson().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation

◆ $jsonFilePath


The file path to the local quickpick-releases.json file.

Definition at line 72 of file class.action.quickPick.php.

◆ $modules

Initial value:
= [
'Adminer' => ['type' => 'application'],
'Apache' => ['type' => 'binary'],
'Composer' => ['type' => 'tools'],
'ConsoleZ' => ['type' => 'tools'],
'Ghostscript' => ['type' => 'tools'],
'Git' => ['type' => 'tools'],
'Mailpit' => ['type' => 'binary'],
'MariaDB' => ['type' => 'binary'],
'Memcached' => ['type' => 'binary'],
'MySQL' => ['type' => 'binary'],
'Ngrok' => ['type' => 'tools'],
'NodeJS' => ['type' => 'binary'],
'Perl' => ['type' => 'tools'],
'PHP' => ['type' => 'binary'],
'PhpMyAdmin' => ['type' => 'application'],
'PhpPgAdmin' => ['type' => 'application'],
'PostgreSQL' => ['type' => 'binary'],
'Python' => ['type' => 'tools'],
'Ruby' => ['type' => 'tools'],
'Webgrind' => ['type' => 'application'],
'Xlight' => ['type' => 'binary'],
'Yarn' => ['type' => 'tools']

An associative array where the key is the module name and the value is an array containing the module type. The module type can be one of the following:

  • 'application'
  • 'binary'
  • 'tool'

Definition at line 35 of file class.action.quickPick.php.

Referenced by loadQuickpick().

◆ $versions

QuickPick::$versions = []

An associative array where the key is the module name and the value is an array containing the module versions.

Definition at line 65 of file class.action.quickPick.php.

Referenced by getVersions(), and loadQuickpick().


const QuickPick::API_KEY = '4abe15e5-95f2-4663-ad12-eadb245b28b4'

Definition at line 20 of file class.action.quickPick.php.


const QuickPick::API_URL = 'https://bearsampp.com/index.php?option=com_osmembership&task=api.get_active_plan_ids&api_key='

Definition at line 21 of file class.action.quickPick.php.


const QuickPick::JSON_URL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Bearsampp/Bearsampp/main/core/resources/quickpick-releases.json'

Definition at line 24 of file class.action.quickPick.php.

Referenced by rebuildQuickpickJson().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: