Static Public Member Functions | |
static | getKeys () |
Data Fields | |
const | ABOUT = 'about' |
const | ABOUT_TEXT = 'aboutText' |
const | ABOUT_TITLE = 'aboutTitle' |
const | ADD_ALIAS_TITLE = 'addAliasTitle' |
const | ADD_VHOST_TITLE = 'addVhostTitle' |
const | ADMINER = 'adminer' |
const | ADMINISTRATION = 'administration' |
const | ALIAS_ALREADY_EXISTS = 'aliasAlreadyExists' |
const | ALIAS_CREATED = 'aliasCreated' |
const | ALIAS_CREATED_ERROR = 'aliasCreatedError' |
const | ALIAS_DEST_LABEL = 'aliasDestLabel' |
const | ALIAS_DEST_PATH = 'aliasDestPath' |
const | ALIAS_EXP_LABEL = 'aliasExpLabel' |
const | ALIAS_NAME_LABEL = 'aliasNameLabel' |
const | ALIAS_NOT_VALID_ALPHA = 'aliasNotValidAlpha' |
const | ALIAS_REMOVE_ERROR = 'aliasRemoveError' |
const | ALIAS_REMOVED = 'aliasRemoved' |
const | ALIASES = 'aliases' |
const | ALL_RUNNING_HINT = 'allRunningHint' |
const | APACHE = 'apache' |
const | APACHE_INCPT = 'apacheIncpt' |
const | APPS = 'apps' |
const | BEARSAMPP_CONF_MALFORMED_ERROR = 'bearsamppConfMalformedError' |
const | BEARSAMPP_CONF_NOT_FOUND_ERROR = 'bearsamppConfNotFoundError' |
const | BINS = 'bins' |
const | BUTTON_BACK = 'buttonBack' |
const | BUTTON_BROWSE = 'buttonBrowse' |
const | BUTTON_CANCEL = 'buttonCancel' |
const | BUTTON_DELETE = 'buttonDelete' |
const | BUTTON_FINISH = 'buttonFinish' |
const | BUTTON_NEXT = 'buttonNext' |
const | BUTTON_OK = 'buttonOk' |
const | BUTTON_SAVE = 'buttonSave' |
const | CHANGE_BROWSER_EXP_LABEL = 'changeBrowserExpLabel' |
const | CHANGE_BROWSER_OK = 'changeBrowserOk' |
const | CHANGE_BROWSER_OTHER_LABEL = 'changeBrowserOtherLabel' |
const | CHANGE_BROWSER_TITLE = 'changeBrowserTitle' |
const | CHANGE_DB_ROOT_PWD_CURRENTPWD_LABEL = 'changeDbRootPwdCurrentpwdLabel' |
const | CHANGE_DB_ROOT_PWD_INCORRECT_ERROR = 'changeDbRootPwdIncorrectError' |
const | CHANGE_DB_ROOT_PWD_NEWPWD1_LABEL = 'changeDbRootPwdNewpwd1Label' |
const | CHANGE_DB_ROOT_PWD_NEWPWD2_LABEL = 'changeDbRootPwdNewpwd2Label' |
const | CHANGE_DB_ROOT_PWD_NOTSAME_ERROR = 'changeDbRootPwdNotsameError' |
const | CHANGE_DB_ROOT_PWD_TEXT = 'changeDbRootPwdText' |
const | CHANGE_DB_ROOT_PWD_TITLE = 'changeDbRootPwdTitle' |
const | CHANGE_PORT_CURRENT_LABEL = 'changePortCurrentLabel' |
const | CHANGE_PORT_NEW_LABEL = 'changePortNewLabel' |
const | CHANGE_PORT_SAME_ERROR = 'changePortSameError' |
const | CHANGE_PORT_TITLE = 'changePortTitle' |
const | CHANGELOG = 'changelog' |
const | CHECK_PORT_TITLE = 'checkPortTitle' |
const | CHECK_VERSION_AVAILABLE_TEXT = 'checkVersionAvailableText' |
const | CHECK_VERSION_CHANGELOG_TEXT = 'checkVersionChangelogText' |
const | CHECK_VERSION_LATEST_TEXT = 'checkVersionLatestText' |
const | CHECK_VERSION_TITLE = 'checkVersionTitle' |
const | COMPOSER = 'composer' |
const | CONSOLE = 'console' |
const | CONSOLEZ = 'consolez' |
const | DEBUG = 'debug' |
const | DEBUG_APACHE_COMPILE_SETTINGS = 'debugApacheCompileSettings' |
const | DEBUG_APACHE_COMPILED_MODULES = 'debugApacheCompiledModules' |
const | DEBUG_APACHE_CONFIG_DIRECTIVES = 'debugApacheConfigDirectives' |
const | DEBUG_APACHE_LOADED_MODULES = 'debugApacheLoadedModules' |
const | DEBUG_APACHE_SYNTAX_CHECK = 'debugApacheSyntaxCheck' |
const | DEBUG_APACHE_VERSION_NUMBER = 'debugApacheVersionNumber' |
const | DEBUG_APACHE_VHOSTS_SETTINGS = 'debugApacheVhostsSettings' |
const | DEBUG_MARIADB_SYNTAX_CHECK = 'debugMariadbSyntaxCheck' |
const | DEBUG_MARIADB_VARIABLES = 'debugMariadbVariables' |
const | DEBUG_MARIADB_VERSION = 'debugMariadbVersion' |
const | DEBUG_MYSQL_SYNTAX_CHECK = 'debugMysqlSyntaxCheck' |
const | DEBUG_MYSQL_VARIABLES = 'debugMysqlVariables' |
const | DEBUG_MYSQL_VERSION = 'debugMysqlVersion' |
const | DEBUG_POSTGRESQL_VERSION = 'debugPostgresqlVersion' |
const | DELETE_ALIAS = 'deleteAlias' |
const | DELETE_ALIAS_TITLE = 'deleteAliasTitle' |
const | DELETE_VHOST = 'deleteVhost' |
const | DELETE_VHOST_TITLE = 'deleteVhostTitle' |
const | DISABLED = 'disabled' |
const | DISCORD = 'discord' |
const | DONATE = 'donate' |
const | DONATE_VIA = 'donateVia' |
const | DOWNLOAD = 'download' |
const | DOWNLOAD_MORE = 'downloadMore' |
const | EDIT_ALIAS_TITLE = 'editAliasTitle' |
const | EDIT_VHOST_TITLE = 'editVhostTitle' |
const | ENABLE_BUNDLE_NOT_EXIST = 'enableBundleNotExist' |
const | ENABLE_TITLE = 'enableTitle' |
const | ENABLED = 'enabled' |
const | ERROR = 'error' |
const | ERROR_CONF_NOT_FOUND = 'errorConfNotFound' |
const | ERROR_EXE_NOT_FOUND = 'errorExeNotFound' |
const | ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 'errorFileNotFound' |
const | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 'errorInvalidParameter' |
const | EXECUTABLE = 'executable' |
const | EXIT_LEAVING_TEXT = 'exitLeavingText' |
const | EXIT_REMOVE_SERVICE_TEXT = 'exitRemoveServiceText' |
const | EXIT_STOP_OTHER_PROCESS_TEXT = 'exitStopOtherProcessText' |
const | EXTENSIONS = 'extensions' |
const | FACEBOOK = 'facebook' |
const | FILEZILLA = 'filezilla' |
const | GENSSL_CREATED = 'genSslCreated' |
const | GENSSL_CREATED_ERROR = 'genSslCreatedError' |
const | GENSSL_PATH = 'genSslPath' |
const | GENSSL_TITLE = 'genSslTitle' |
const | GHOSTSCRIPT = 'ghostscript' |
const | GIT = 'git' |
const | GIT_CONSOLE = 'gitConsole' |
const | GITGUI = 'gitGui' |
const | GITHUB = 'github' |
const | HELP = 'help' |
const | HOMEPAGE_ABOUT_HTML = 'homepageAboutHtml' |
const | HOMEPAGE_APC_TEXT = 'homepageApcText' |
const | HOMEPAGE_BACK_TEXT = 'homepageBackText' |
const | HOMEPAGE_LICENSE_TEXT = 'homepageLicenseText' |
const | HOMEPAGE_MAILHOG_TEXT = 'homepageMailhogText' |
const | HOMEPAGE_MAILPIT_TEXT = 'homepageMailpitText' |
const | HOMEPAGE_OFFICIAL_WEBSITE = 'homepageOfficialWebsite' |
const | HOMEPAGE_PHPINFO_TEXT = 'homepagePhpinfoText' |
const | HOMEPAGE_POST_ISSUE = 'homepagePostIssue' |
const | HOMEPAGE_QUESTIONS_TEXT = 'homepageQuestionsText' |
const | HOMEPAGE_QUESTIONS_TITLE = 'homepageQuestionsTitle' |
const | HOMEPAGE_SERVICE_STARTED = 'homepageServiceStarted' |
const | HOMEPAGE_SERVICE_STOPPED = 'homepageServiceStopped' |
const | HOMEPAGE_XLIGHT_TEXT = 'homepageXlightText' |
const | HOSTSEDITOR = 'hostseditor' |
const | INSTALL_SERVICE_TITLE = 'installServiceTitle' |
const | LANG = 'lang' |
const | LICENSE = 'license' |
const | LOADING = 'loading' |
const | LOCALE = 'locale' |
const | LOGS = 'logs' |
const | LOGS_VERBOSE = 'logsVerbose' |
const | MAILHOG = 'mailhog' |
const | MAILPIT = 'mailpit' |
const | MARIADB = 'mariadb' |
const | MEMCACHED = 'memcached' |
const | MENU_ABOUT = 'menuAbout' |
const | MENU_ACCESS_LOGS = 'menuAccessLogs' |
const | MENU_ADD_ALIAS = 'menuAddAlias' |
const | MENU_ADD_VHOST = 'menuAddVhost' |
const | MENU_CHANGE_PORT = 'menuChangePort' |
const | MENU_CHANGE_ROOT_PWD = 'menuChangeRootPwd' |
const | MENU_CHECK_PORT = 'menuCheckPort' |
const | MENU_CHECK_UPDATE = 'menuCheckUpdate' |
const | MENU_CLEAR_FOLDERS = 'menuClearFolders' |
const | MENU_EDIT_ALIAS = 'menuEditAlias' |
const | MENU_EDIT_CONF = 'menuEditConf' |
const | MENU_EDIT_VHOST = 'menuEditVhost' |
const | MENU_ENABLE = 'menuEnable' |
const | MENU_ERROR_LOGS = 'menuErrorLogs' |
const | MENU_GEN_SSL_CERTIFICATE = 'menuGenSslCertificate' |
const | MENU_INSTALL_SERVICE = 'menuInstallService' |
const | MENU_LAUNCH_STARTUP = 'menuLaunchStartup' |
const | MENU_LOCALHOST = 'menuLocalhost' |
const | MENU_LOGS = 'menuLogs' |
const | MENU_PUT_OFFLINE = 'menuPutOffline' |
const | MENU_PUT_ONLINE = 'menuPutOnline' |
const | MENU_REBUILD_INI = 'menuRebuildIni' |
const | MENU_REFRESH_REPOS = 'menuRefreshRepos' |
const | MENU_REMOVE_SERVICE = 'menuRemoveService' |
const | MENU_RESTART_SERVICE = 'menuRestartService' |
const | MENU_RESTART_SERVICES = 'menuRestartServices' |
const | MENU_REWRITE_LOGS = 'menuRewriteLogs' |
const | MENU_SCAN_REPOS_STARTUP = 'menuScanReposStartup' |
const | MENU_SESSION_LOGS = 'menuSessionLogs' |
const | MENU_START_SERVICE = 'menuStartService' |
const | MENU_START_SERVICES = 'menuStartServices' |
const | MENU_STATS_LOGS = 'menuStatsLogs' |
const | MENU_STOP_SERVICE = 'menuStopService' |
const | MENU_STOP_SERVICES = 'menuStopServices' |
const | MENU_TRANSFER_LOGS = 'menuTransferLogs' |
const | MENU_UPDATE_ENV_PATH = 'menuUpdateEnvPath' |
const | MENU_WWW_DIRECTORY = 'menuWwwDirectory' |
const | MODULES = 'modules' |
const | MYSQL = 'mysql' |
const | NAME = 'name' |
const | NGROK = 'ngrok' |
const | NODEJS = 'nodejs' |
const | NONE_RUNNING_HINT = 'noneRunningHint' |
const | PAYPAL = 'paypal' |
const | PEAR = 'pear' |
const | PERL = 'perl' |
const | PHP = 'php' |
const | PHP_INCPT = 'phpIncpt' |
const | PHPMYADMIN = 'phpmyadmin' |
const | PHPPGADMIN = 'phppgadmin' |
const | PORT_CHANGED = 'portChanged' |
const | PORT_NOT_USED = 'portNotUsed' |
const | PORT_NOT_USED_BY = 'portNotUsedBy' |
const | PORT_USED_BY = 'portUsedBy' |
const | PORT_USED_BY_ANOTHER_DBMS = 'portUsedByAnotherDbms' |
const | POSTGRESQL = 'postgresql' |
const | PWGEN = 'pwgen' |
const | PYTHON = 'python' |
const | PYTHON_CONSOLE = 'pythonConsole' |
const | PYTHON_CP = 'pythonCp' |
const | QUIT = 'quit' |
const | READ_CHANGELOG = 'readChangelog' |
const | REGISTRY_SET_ERROR_TEXT = 'registrySetErrorText' |
const | RELOAD = 'reload' |
const | REMOVE_SERVICE_TITLE = 'removeServiceTitle' |
const | REPOS = 'repos' |
const | RESTART = 'restart' |
const | RESTART_SERVICE_ERROR = 'restartServiceError' |
const | RESTART_SERVICE_TITLE = 'restartServiceTitle' |
const | RESTART_TEXT = 'restartText' |
const | RESTART_TITLE = 'restartTitle' |
const | RUBY = 'ruby' |
const | SERVICE = 'service' |
const | SERVICE_ALREADY_INSTALLED = 'serviceAlreadyInstalled' |
const | SERVICE_INSTALL_ERROR = 'serviceInstallError' |
const | SERVICE_INSTALLED = 'serviceInstalled' |
const | SERVICE_NOT_EXIST = 'serviceNotExist' |
const | SERVICE_REMOVE_ERROR = 'serviceRemoveError' |
const | SERVICE_REMOVED = 'serviceRemoved' |
const | SETTINGS = 'settings' |
const | SOME_RUNNING_HINT = 'someRunningHint' |
const | SSL = 'ssl' |
const | START_SERVICE_ERROR = 'startServiceError' |
const | START_SERVICE_TITLE = 'startServiceTitle' |
const | STARTUP = 'startup' |
const | STARTUP_CHANGE_PATH_TEXT = 'startupChangePathText' |
const | STARTUP_CHECK_BROWSER_TEXT = 'startupCheckBrowserText' |
const | STARTUP_CHECK_PATH_TEXT = 'startupCheckPathText' |
const | STARTUP_CHECK_SERVICE_TEXT = 'startupCheckServiceText' |
const | STARTUP_CLEAN_OLD_BEHAVIORS_TEXT = 'startupCleanOldBehaviorsText' |
const | STARTUP_CLEAN_TMP_TEXT = 'startupCleanTmpText' |
const | STARTUP_ERROR_TITLE = 'startupErrorTitle' |
const | STARTUP_GEN_SSL_CRT_TEXT = 'startupGenSslCrtText' |
const | STARTUP_INSTALL_SERVICE_TEXT = 'startupInstallServiceText' |
const | STARTUP_KILL_OLD_PROCS_TEXT = 'startupKillOldProcsText' |
const | STARTUP_PREPARE_RESTART_TEXT = 'startupPrepareRestartText' |
const | STARTUP_REFRESH_ALIAS_TEXT = 'startupRefreshAliasText' |
const | STARTUP_REFRESH_GIT_REPOS_TEXT = 'startupRefreshGitReposText' |
const | STARTUP_REFRESH_HOSTNAME_TEXT = 'startupRefreshHostnameText' |
const | STARTUP_REFRESH_VHOSTS_TEXT = 'startupRefreshVhostsText' |
const | STARTUP_REGISTRY_ERROR_TEXT = 'startupRegistryErrorText' |
const | STARTUP_REGISTRY_TEXT = 'startupRegistryText' |
const | STARTUP_ROTATION_LOGS_TEXT = 'startupRotationLogsText' |
const | STARTUP_SCAN_FOLDERS_TEXT = 'startupScanFoldersText' |
const | STARTUP_SERVICE_CREATE_ERROR = 'startupServiceCreateError' |
const | STARTUP_SERVICE_ERROR = 'startupServiceError' |
const | STARTUP_SERVICE_PORT_ERROR = 'startupServicePortError' |
const | STARTUP_SERVICE_START_ERROR = 'startupServiceStartError' |
const | STARTUP_SERVICE_SYNTAX_ERROR = 'startupServiceSyntaxError' |
const | STARTUP_START_SERVICE_TEXT = 'startupStartServiceText' |
const | STARTUP_STARTING_TEXT = 'startupStartingText' |
const | STARTUP_SYS_INFOS = 'startupSysInfos' |
const | STARTUP_UPDATE_CONFIG_TEXT = 'startupUpdateConfigText' |
const | STATUS = 'status' |
const | STATUS_PAGE = 'statusPage' |
const | STOP_SERVICE_ERROR = 'stopServiceError' |
const | STOP_SERVICE_TITLE = 'stopServiceTitle' |
const | SWITCH_PHP_SETTING_NOT_FOUND = 'switchPhpSettingNotFound' |
const | SWITCH_PHP_SETTING_TITLE = 'switchPhpSettingTitle' |
const | SWITCH_VERSION_OK = 'switchVersionOk' |
const | SWITCH_VERSION_OK_RESTART = 'switchVersionOkRestart' |
const | SWITCH_VERSION_REGISTRY = 'switchVersionRegistry' |
const | SWITCH_VERSION_RELOAD_BINS = 'switchVersionReloadBins' |
const | SWITCH_VERSION_RELOAD_CONFIG = 'switchVersionReloadConfig' |
const | SWITCH_VERSION_RESET_SERVICES = 'switchVersionResetServices' |
const | SWITCH_VERSION_SAME_ERROR = 'switchVersionSameError' |
const | SWITCH_VERSION_TITLE = 'switchVersionTitle' |
const | TARGET = 'target' |
const | TOOLS = 'tools' |
const | VERBOSE_DEBUG = 'verboseDebug' |
const | VERBOSE_REPORT = 'verboseReport' |
const | VERBOSE_SIMPLE = 'verboseSimple' |
const | VERBOSE_TRACE = 'verboseTrace' |
const | VERSION = 'version' |
const | VERSION_URL = 'https://github.com/Bearsampp/Bearsampp/releases/tag/' |
const | VERSIONS = 'versions' |
const | VHOST_ALREADY_EXISTS = 'vhostAlreadyExists' |
const | VHOST_CREATED = 'vhostCreated' |
const | VHOST_CREATED_ERROR = 'vhostCreatedError' |
const | VHOST_DOC_ROOT_PATH = 'vhostDocRootPath' |
const | VHOST_DOCUMENT_ROOT_LABEL = 'vhostDocumentRootLabel' |
const | VHOST_EXP_LABEL = 'vhostExpLabel' |
const | VHOST_NOT_VALID_DOMAIN = 'vhostNotValidDomain' |
const | VHOST_REMOVE_ERROR = 'vhostRemoveError' |
const | VHOST_REMOVED = 'vhostRemoved' |
const | VHOST_SERVER_NAME_LABEL = 'vhostServerNameLabel' |
const | VIRTUAL_HOSTS = 'virtualHosts' |
const | WEBGRIND = 'webgrind' |
const | WEBSITE = 'website' |
const | XDC = 'xdc' |
const | XLIGHT = 'xlight' |
const | YARN = 'yarn' |
Class Lang
This class contains constants used for localization and internationalization within the Bearsampp application. The constants are categorized into various sections such as General, Single, Menu, Bins, Apps, Tools, Errors, Actions, Windows forms, and Homepage. Each constant represents a key that can be used to retrieve localized strings from a language file or database.
Definition at line 20 of file class.lang.php.
static |
Get all the keys defined in the Lang class.
This method returns an array of all the constants defined in the Lang class. These constants are used as keys for localization and internationalization purposes within the Bearsampp application.
Definition at line 390 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::ABOUT = 'about' |
Definition at line 28 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::ABOUT_TEXT = 'aboutText' |
Definition at line 307 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAbout\__construct().
const Lang::ABOUT_TITLE = 'aboutTitle' |
Definition at line 306 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAbout\__construct().
const Lang::ADD_ALIAS_TITLE = 'addAliasTitle' |
Definition at line 220 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddAlias\__construct(), ActionAddAlias\processWindow(), and ActionEditAlias\processWindow().
const Lang::ADD_VHOST_TITLE = 'addVhostTitle' |
Definition at line 238 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddVhost\__construct(), ActionAddVhost\processWindow(), and ActionEditVhost\processWindow().
const Lang::ADMINER = 'adminer' |
Definition at line 142 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApps\getMenuApps(), and AppAdminer\reload().
const Lang::ADMINISTRATION = 'administration' |
Definition at line 29 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppFilezilla\getMenuFilezilla().
const Lang::ALIAS_ALREADY_EXISTS = 'aliasAlreadyExists' |
Definition at line 226 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddAlias\processWindow(), and ActionEditAlias\processWindow().
const Lang::ALIAS_CREATED = 'aliasCreated' |
Definition at line 227 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddAlias\processWindow(), and ActionEditAlias\processWindow().
const Lang::ALIAS_CREATED_ERROR = 'aliasCreatedError' |
Definition at line 228 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddAlias\processWindow(), and ActionEditAlias\processWindow().
const Lang::ALIAS_DEST_LABEL = 'aliasDestLabel' |
Definition at line 222 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddAlias\__construct(), and ActionEditAlias\__construct().
const Lang::ALIAS_DEST_PATH = 'aliasDestPath' |
Definition at line 224 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddAlias\processWindow(), ActionChangeBrowser\processWindow(), and ActionEditAlias\processWindow().
const Lang::ALIAS_EXP_LABEL = 'aliasExpLabel' |
Definition at line 223 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddAlias\__construct(), ActionEditAlias\__construct(), ActionAddAlias\processWindow(), and ActionEditAlias\processWindow().
const Lang::ALIAS_NAME_LABEL = 'aliasNameLabel' |
Definition at line 221 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddAlias\__construct(), and ActionEditAlias\__construct().
const Lang::ALIAS_NOT_VALID_ALPHA = 'aliasNotValidAlpha' |
Definition at line 225 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddAlias\processWindow(), and ActionEditAlias\processWindow().
const Lang::ALIAS_REMOVE_ERROR = 'aliasRemoveError' |
Definition at line 217 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionEditAlias\processWindow().
const Lang::ALIAS_REMOVED = 'aliasRemoved' |
Definition at line 216 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionEditAlias\processWindow().
const Lang::ALIASES = 'aliases' |
Definition at line 30 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApache\getMenuApache().
const Lang::ALL_RUNNING_HINT = 'allRunningHint' |
Definition at line 23 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAestan\getSectionMessages().
const Lang::APACHE = 'apache' |
Definition at line 126 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionDebugApache\__construct(), TplAppApache\process(), ActionSwitchVersion\processWindow(), and BinApache\reload().
const Lang::APACHE_INCPT = 'apacheIncpt' |
Definition at line 172 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by BinApache\updateConfig().
const Lang::APPS = 'apps' |
Definition at line 31 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApps\process().
const Lang::BEARSAMPP_CONF_MALFORMED_ERROR = 'bearsamppConfMalformedError' |
Definition at line 175 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by BinApache\updateConfig(), BinFilezilla\updateConfig(), BinMailhog\updateConfig(), BinMailpit\updateConfig(), BinMariadb\updateConfig(), BinMemcached\updateConfig(), BinMysql\updateConfig(), BinNodejs\updateConfig(), BinPhp\updateConfig(), BinPostgresql\updateConfig(), and BinXlight\updateConfig().
const Lang::BEARSAMPP_CONF_NOT_FOUND_ERROR = 'bearsamppConfNotFoundError' |
Definition at line 174 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by BinApache\updateConfig(), BinFilezilla\updateConfig(), BinMailhog\updateConfig(), BinMailpit\updateConfig(), BinMariadb\updateConfig(), BinMemcached\updateConfig(), BinMysql\updateConfig(), BinNodejs\updateConfig(), BinPhp\updateConfig(), BinPostgresql\updateConfig(), and BinXlight\updateConfig().
const Lang::BINS = 'bins' |
Definition at line 32 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::BUTTON_BACK = 'buttonBack' |
Definition at line 361 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::BUTTON_BROWSE = 'buttonBrowse' |
Definition at line 362 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddAlias\__construct(), ActionAddVhost\__construct(), ActionChangeBrowser\__construct(), ActionEditAlias\__construct(), ActionEditVhost\__construct(), and ActionGenSslCertificate\__construct().
const Lang::BUTTON_CANCEL = 'buttonCancel' |
Definition at line 359 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddAlias\__construct(), ActionAddVhost\__construct(), ActionChangeBrowser\__construct(), ActionChangeDbRootPwd\__construct(), ActionChangePort\__construct(), ActionEditAlias\__construct(), ActionEditVhost\__construct(), and ActionGenSslCertificate\__construct().
const Lang::BUTTON_DELETE = 'buttonDelete' |
Definition at line 356 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionEditAlias\__construct(), and ActionEditVhost\__construct().
const Lang::BUTTON_FINISH = 'buttonFinish' |
Definition at line 358 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionChangeDbRootPwd\__construct(), and ActionChangePort\__construct().
const Lang::BUTTON_NEXT = 'buttonNext' |
Definition at line 360 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::BUTTON_OK = 'buttonOk' |
Definition at line 355 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAbout\__construct(), and ActionCheckVersion\showVersionUpdateWindow().
const Lang::BUTTON_SAVE = 'buttonSave' |
Definition at line 357 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddAlias\__construct(), ActionAddVhost\__construct(), ActionChangeBrowser\__construct(), ActionEditAlias\__construct(), ActionEditVhost\__construct(), and ActionGenSslCertificate\__construct().
const Lang::CHANGE_BROWSER_EXP_LABEL = 'changeBrowserExpLabel' |
Definition at line 301 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionChangeBrowser\__construct().
const Lang::CHANGE_BROWSER_OK = 'changeBrowserOk' |
Definition at line 303 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionChangeBrowser\processWindow().
const Lang::CHANGE_BROWSER_OTHER_LABEL = 'changeBrowserOtherLabel' |
Definition at line 302 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionChangeBrowser\__construct().
const Lang::CHANGE_BROWSER_TITLE = 'changeBrowserTitle' |
Definition at line 300 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionChangeBrowser\__construct(), TplAppBrowser\process(), and ActionChangeBrowser\processWindow().
const Lang::CHANGE_DB_ROOT_PWD_CURRENTPWD_LABEL = 'changeDbRootPwdCurrentpwdLabel' |
Definition at line 257 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionChangeDbRootPwd\__construct().
const Lang::CHANGE_DB_ROOT_PWD_INCORRECT_ERROR = 'changeDbRootPwdIncorrectError' |
Definition at line 261 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionChangeDbRootPwd\processWindow().
const Lang::CHANGE_DB_ROOT_PWD_NEWPWD1_LABEL = 'changeDbRootPwdNewpwd1Label' |
Definition at line 258 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionChangeDbRootPwd\__construct().
const Lang::CHANGE_DB_ROOT_PWD_NEWPWD2_LABEL = 'changeDbRootPwdNewpwd2Label' |
Definition at line 259 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionChangeDbRootPwd\__construct().
const Lang::CHANGE_DB_ROOT_PWD_NOTSAME_ERROR = 'changeDbRootPwdNotsameError' |
Definition at line 260 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionChangeDbRootPwd\processWindow().
const Lang::CHANGE_DB_ROOT_PWD_TEXT = 'changeDbRootPwdText' |
Definition at line 262 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionChangeDbRootPwd\processWindow().
const Lang::CHANGE_DB_ROOT_PWD_TITLE = 'changeDbRootPwdTitle' |
Definition at line 256 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionChangeDbRootPwd\__construct(), and ActionChangeDbRootPwd\processWindow().
const Lang::CHANGE_PORT_CURRENT_LABEL = 'changePortCurrentLabel' |
Definition at line 251 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionChangePort\__construct().
const Lang::CHANGE_PORT_NEW_LABEL = 'changePortNewLabel' |
Definition at line 252 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionChangePort\__construct().
const Lang::CHANGE_PORT_SAME_ERROR = 'changePortSameError' |
Definition at line 253 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionChangePort\processWindow().
const Lang::CHANGE_PORT_TITLE = 'changePortTitle' |
Definition at line 250 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionChangePort\__construct(), and ActionChangePort\processWindow().
const Lang::CHANGELOG = 'changelog' |
Definition at line 33 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::CHECK_PORT_TITLE = 'checkPortTitle' |
Definition at line 182 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by BinApache\checkPort(), BinFilezilla\checkPort(), BinMailhog\checkPort(), BinMailpit\checkPort(), BinMariadb\checkPort(), BinMemcached\checkPort(), BinMysql\checkPort(), BinPostgresql\checkPort(), and BinXlight\checkPort().
const Lang::CHECK_VERSION_AVAILABLE_TEXT = 'checkVersionAvailableText' |
Definition at line 336 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionCheckVersion\showVersionUpdateWindow().
const Lang::CHECK_VERSION_CHANGELOG_TEXT = 'checkVersionChangelogText' |
Definition at line 337 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::CHECK_VERSION_LATEST_TEXT = 'checkVersionLatestText' |
Definition at line 338 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionCheckVersion\showVersionOkMessageBox().
const Lang::CHECK_VERSION_TITLE = 'checkVersionTitle' |
Definition at line 335 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionCheckVersion\showVersionOkMessageBox(), and ActionCheckVersion\showVersionUpdateWindow().
const Lang::COMPOSER = 'composer' |
Definition at line 146 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppTools\getMenuTools(), ToolConsoleZ\getTabTitleComposer(), and ToolComposer\reload().
const Lang::CONSOLE = 'console' |
Definition at line 34 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppMariadb\getMenuMariadb(), TplAppMysql\getMenuMysql(), TplAppNodejs\getMenuNodejs(), TplAppPostgresql\getMenuPostgresql(), TplAppTools\getMenuTools(), and ToolConsoleZ\getTabTitleDefault().
const Lang::CONSOLEZ = 'consolez' |
Definition at line 147 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ToolConsoleZ\reload().
const Lang::DEBUG = 'debug' |
Definition at line 35 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionDebugApache\__construct(), ActionDebugMariadb\__construct(), ActionDebugMysql\__construct(), ActionDebugPostgresql\__construct(), TplAppApache\getMenuApache(), TplAppMariadb\getMenuMariadb(), TplAppMysql\getMenuMysql(), and TplAppPostgresql\getMenuPostgresql().
const Lang::DEBUG_APACHE_COMPILE_SETTINGS = 'debugApacheCompileSettings' |
Definition at line 311 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionDebugApache\__construct(), and TplAppApache\getMenuApacheDebug().
const Lang::DEBUG_APACHE_COMPILED_MODULES = 'debugApacheCompiledModules' |
Definition at line 312 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionDebugApache\__construct(), and TplAppApache\getMenuApacheDebug().
const Lang::DEBUG_APACHE_CONFIG_DIRECTIVES = 'debugApacheConfigDirectives' |
Definition at line 313 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionDebugApache\__construct(), and TplAppApache\getMenuApacheDebug().
const Lang::DEBUG_APACHE_LOADED_MODULES = 'debugApacheLoadedModules' |
Definition at line 315 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionDebugApache\__construct(), and TplAppApache\getMenuApacheDebug().
const Lang::DEBUG_APACHE_SYNTAX_CHECK = 'debugApacheSyntaxCheck' |
Definition at line 316 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionDebugApache\__construct(), and TplAppApache\getMenuApacheDebug().
const Lang::DEBUG_APACHE_VERSION_NUMBER = 'debugApacheVersionNumber' |
Definition at line 310 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionDebugApache\__construct(), and TplAppApache\getMenuApacheDebug().
const Lang::DEBUG_APACHE_VHOSTS_SETTINGS = 'debugApacheVhostsSettings' |
Definition at line 314 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionDebugApache\__construct(), and TplAppApache\getMenuApacheDebug().
const Lang::DEBUG_MARIADB_SYNTAX_CHECK = 'debugMariadbSyntaxCheck' |
Definition at line 326 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionDebugMariadb\__construct(), and TplAppMariadb\getMenuMariadbDebug().
const Lang::DEBUG_MARIADB_VARIABLES = 'debugMariadbVariables' |
Definition at line 325 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionDebugMariadb\__construct(), and TplAppMariadb\getMenuMariadbDebug().
const Lang::DEBUG_MARIADB_VERSION = 'debugMariadbVersion' |
Definition at line 324 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionDebugMariadb\__construct(), and TplAppMariadb\getMenuMariadbDebug().
const Lang::DEBUG_MYSQL_SYNTAX_CHECK = 'debugMysqlSyntaxCheck' |
Definition at line 321 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionDebugMysql\__construct(), and TplAppMysql\getMenuMysqlDebug().
const Lang::DEBUG_MYSQL_VARIABLES = 'debugMysqlVariables' |
Definition at line 320 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionDebugMysql\__construct(), and TplAppMysql\getMenuMysqlDebug().
const Lang::DEBUG_MYSQL_VERSION = 'debugMysqlVersion' |
Definition at line 319 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionDebugMysql\__construct(), and TplAppMysql\getMenuMysqlDebug().
const Lang::DEBUG_POSTGRESQL_VERSION = 'debugPostgresqlVersion' |
Definition at line 329 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionDebugPostgresql\__construct(), and TplAppPostgresql\getMenuPostgresqlDebug().
const Lang::DELETE_ALIAS = 'deleteAlias' |
Definition at line 215 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionEditAlias\processWindow().
const Lang::DELETE_ALIAS_TITLE = 'deleteAliasTitle' |
Definition at line 214 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionEditAlias\processWindow().
const Lang::DELETE_VHOST = 'deleteVhost' |
Definition at line 233 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionEditVhost\processWindow().
const Lang::DELETE_VHOST_TITLE = 'deleteVhostTitle' |
Definition at line 232 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionEditVhost\processWindow().
const Lang::DISABLED = 'disabled' |
Definition at line 36 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\processWindow().
const Lang::DISCORD = 'discord' |
Definition at line 37 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::DONATE = 'donate' |
Definition at line 38 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAbout\__construct().
const Lang::DONATE_VIA = 'donateVia' |
Definition at line 39 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::DOWNLOAD = 'download' |
Definition at line 40 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionCheckVersion\showVersionUpdateWindow().
const Lang::DOWNLOAD_MORE = 'downloadMore' |
Definition at line 41 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApache\getMenuApache(), TplAppFilezilla\getMenuFilezilla(), TplAppMailhog\getMenuMailhog(), TplAppMailpit\getMenuMailpit(), TplAppMariadb\getMenuMariadb(), TplAppMemcached\getMenuMemcached(), TplAppMysql\getMenuMysql(), TplAppNodejs\getMenuNodejs(), TplAppPhp\getMenuPhp(), TplAppPostgresql\getMenuPostgresql(), and TplAppXlight\getMenuXlight().
const Lang::EDIT_ALIAS_TITLE = 'editAliasTitle' |
Definition at line 229 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionEditAlias\__construct().
const Lang::EDIT_VHOST_TITLE = 'editVhostTitle' |
Definition at line 247 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionEditVhost\__construct(), and ActionEditVhost\processWindow().
const Lang::ENABLE_BUNDLE_NOT_EXIST = 'enableBundleNotExist' |
Definition at line 352 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by BinApache\setEnable(), BinFilezilla\setEnable(), BinMailhog\setEnable(), BinMailpit\setEnable(), BinMariadb\setEnable(), BinMemcached\setEnable(), BinMysql\setEnable(), BinNodejs\setEnable(), BinPhp\setEnable(), BinPostgresql\setEnable(), and BinXlight\setEnable().
const Lang::ENABLE_TITLE = 'enableTitle' |
Definition at line 351 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by BinApache\setEnable(), BinFilezilla\setEnable(), BinMailhog\setEnable(), BinMailpit\setEnable(), BinMariadb\setEnable(), BinMemcached\setEnable(), BinMysql\setEnable(), BinNodejs\setEnable(), BinPhp\setEnable(), BinPostgresql\setEnable(), and BinXlight\setEnable().
const Lang::ENABLED = 'enabled' |
Definition at line 42 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::ERROR = 'error' |
Definition at line 43 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by Nssm\getError(), Win32Service\getError(), Registry\getValue(), and Registry\setValue().
const Lang::ERROR_CONF_NOT_FOUND = 'errorConfNotFound' |
Definition at line 158 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by Core\getAppVersion(), AppAdminer\reload(), AppPhpmyadmin\reload(), AppPhppgadmin\reload(), AppWebgrind\reload(), BinApache\reload(), BinFilezilla\reload(), BinMailhog\reload(), BinMailpit\reload(), BinMariadb\reload(), BinMemcached\reload(), BinMysql\reload(), BinNodejs\reload(), BinPhp\reload(), BinPostgresql\reload(), BinXlight\reload(), ToolComposer\reload(), ToolConsoleZ\reload(), ToolGhostscript\reload(), ToolGit\reload(), ToolNgrok\reload(), ToolPerl\reload(), ToolPython\reload(), ToolRuby\reload(), ToolXdc\reload(), and ToolYarn\reload().
const Lang::ERROR_EXE_NOT_FOUND = 'errorExeNotFound' |
Definition at line 159 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by BinApache\reload(), BinFilezilla\reload(), BinMailhog\reload(), BinMailpit\reload(), BinMariadb\reload(), BinMemcached\reload(), BinMysql\reload(), BinNodejs\reload(), BinPhp\reload(), BinPostgresql\reload(), BinXlight\reload(), ToolComposer\reload(), ToolConsoleZ\reload(), ToolGhostscript\reload(), ToolGit\reload(), ToolNgrok\reload(), ToolPerl\reload(), ToolPython\reload(), ToolRuby\reload(), ToolXdc\reload(), and ToolYarn\reload().
const Lang::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 'errorFileNotFound' |
Definition at line 160 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by AppAdminer\reload(), AppPhpmyadmin\reload(), AppPhppgadmin\reload(), AppWebgrind\reload(), BinApache\reload(), BinFilezilla\reload(), BinMailhog\reload(), BinMailpit\reload(), BinMariadb\reload(), BinMemcached\reload(), BinMysql\reload(), BinNodejs\reload(), BinPhp\reload(), BinPostgresql\reload(), BinXlight\reload(), ToolComposer\reload(), ToolConsoleZ\reload(), ToolGhostscript\reload(), ToolGit\reload(), ToolNgrok\reload(), ToolPerl\reload(), ToolPython\reload(), ToolRuby\reload(), ToolXdc\reload(), and ToolYarn\reload().
const Lang::ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 'errorInvalidParameter' |
Definition at line 161 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by BinApache\reload(), BinFilezilla\reload(), BinMailhog\reload(), BinMailpit\reload(), BinMariadb\reload(), BinMemcached\reload(), BinMysql\reload(), BinPostgresql\reload(), BinXlight\reload(), and ToolConsoleZ\reload().
const Lang::EXECUTABLE = 'executable' |
Definition at line 44 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionChangeBrowser\processWindow().
const Lang::EXIT_LEAVING_TEXT = 'exitLeavingText' |
Definition at line 295 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionQuit\__construct().
const Lang::EXIT_REMOVE_SERVICE_TEXT = 'exitRemoveServiceText' |
Definition at line 296 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionQuit\processWindow().
const Lang::EXIT_STOP_OTHER_PROCESS_TEXT = 'exitStopOtherProcessText' |
Definition at line 297 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionQuit\processWindow().
const Lang::EXTENSIONS = 'extensions' |
Definition at line 45 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppPhp\getMenuPhp().
const Lang::FACEBOOK = 'facebook' |
Definition at line 46 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::FILEZILLA = 'filezilla' |
Definition at line 127 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppFilezilla\process(), and BinFilezilla\reload().
const Lang::GENSSL_CREATED = 'genSslCreated' |
Definition at line 343 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionGenSslCertificate\processWindow().
const Lang::GENSSL_CREATED_ERROR = 'genSslCreatedError' |
Definition at line 344 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionGenSslCertificate\processWindow().
const Lang::GENSSL_PATH = 'genSslPath' |
Definition at line 342 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionGenSslCertificate\processWindow().
const Lang::GENSSL_TITLE = 'genSslTitle' |
Definition at line 341 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionGenSslCertificate\__construct(), and ActionGenSslCertificate\processWindow().
const Lang::GHOSTSCRIPT = 'ghostscript' |
Definition at line 148 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppTools\getMenuTools(), ToolConsoleZ\getTabTitleGhostscript(), and ToolGhostscript\reload().
const Lang::GIT = 'git' |
Definition at line 149 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ToolConsoleZ\getTabTitleGit(), TplAppGit\process(), and ToolGit\reload().
const Lang::GIT_CONSOLE = 'gitConsole' |
Definition at line 47 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppGit\getMenuGit().
const Lang::GITGUI = 'gitGui' |
Definition at line 48 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppGit\getMenuGit().
const Lang::GITHUB = 'github' |
Definition at line 49 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAbout\__construct().
const Lang::HELP = 'help' |
Definition at line 50 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplApp\getSectionMenuRight().
const Lang::HOMEPAGE_ABOUT_HTML = 'homepageAboutHtml' |
Definition at line 369 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::HOMEPAGE_APC_TEXT = 'homepageApcText' |
Definition at line 375 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::HOMEPAGE_BACK_TEXT = 'homepageBackText' |
Definition at line 379 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::HOMEPAGE_LICENSE_TEXT = 'homepageLicenseText' |
Definition at line 370 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::HOMEPAGE_MAILHOG_TEXT = 'homepageMailhogText' |
Definition at line 376 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::HOMEPAGE_MAILPIT_TEXT = 'homepageMailpitText' |
Definition at line 377 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::HOMEPAGE_OFFICIAL_WEBSITE = 'homepageOfficialWebsite' |
Definition at line 366 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::HOMEPAGE_PHPINFO_TEXT = 'homepagePhpinfoText' |
Definition at line 374 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::HOMEPAGE_POST_ISSUE = 'homepagePostIssue' |
Definition at line 373 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::HOMEPAGE_QUESTIONS_TEXT = 'homepageQuestionsText' |
Definition at line 372 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::HOMEPAGE_QUESTIONS_TITLE = 'homepageQuestionsTitle' |
Definition at line 371 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::HOMEPAGE_SERVICE_STARTED = 'homepageServiceStarted' |
Definition at line 367 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::HOMEPAGE_SERVICE_STOPPED = 'homepageServiceStopped' |
Definition at line 368 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::HOMEPAGE_XLIGHT_TEXT = 'homepageXlightText' |
Definition at line 378 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::HOSTSEDITOR = 'hostseditor' |
Definition at line 51 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppTools\getMenuTools().
const Lang::INSTALL_SERVICE_TITLE = 'installServiceTitle' |
Definition at line 190 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by Util\installService().
const Lang::LANG = 'lang' |
Definition at line 52 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppLang\process().
const Lang::LICENSE = 'license' |
Definition at line 53 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::LOADING = 'loading' |
Definition at line 363 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionLoading\__construct(), and WinBinder\createProgressBar().
const Lang::LOCALE = 'locale' |
Definition at line 54 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::LOGS = 'logs' |
Definition at line 55 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppLogs\process().
const Lang::LOGS_VERBOSE = 'logsVerbose' |
Definition at line 56 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppLogsVerbose\process().
const Lang::MAILHOG = 'mailhog' |
Definition at line 131 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppMailhog\getMenuMailhog(), TplAppMailhog\process(), and BinMailhog\reload().
const Lang::MAILPIT = 'mailpit' |
Definition at line 132 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppMailpit\getMenuMailpit(), TplAppMailpit\process(), and BinMailpit\reload().
const Lang::MARIADB = 'mariadb' |
Definition at line 133 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionDebugMariadb\__construct(), ToolConsoleZ\getTabTitleMariadb(), TplAppMariadb\process(), and BinMariadb\reload().
const Lang::MEMCACHED = 'memcached' |
Definition at line 130 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppMemcached\process(), and BinMemcached\reload().
const Lang::MENU_ABOUT = 'menuAbout' |
Definition at line 87 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplApp\getSectionMenuRight().
const Lang::MENU_ACCESS_LOGS = 'menuAccessLogs' |
Definition at line 88 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApache\getMenuApache().
const Lang::MENU_ADD_ALIAS = 'menuAddAlias' |
Definition at line 89 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApache\getMenuApacheAlias().
const Lang::MENU_ADD_VHOST = 'menuAddVhost' |
Definition at line 90 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApache\getMenuApacheVhosts().
const Lang::MENU_CHANGE_PORT = 'menuChangePort' |
Definition at line 91 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApache\getMenuApacheService(), TplAppFilezilla\getMenuFilezillaService(), TplAppMailhog\getMenuMailhogService(), TplAppMailpit\getMenuMailpitService(), TplAppMariadb\getMenuMariadbService(), TplAppMemcached\getMenuMemcachedService(), TplAppMysql\getMenuMysqlService(), TplAppPostgresql\getMenuPostgresqlService(), and TplAppXlight\getMenuXlightService().
const Lang::MENU_CHANGE_ROOT_PWD = 'menuChangeRootPwd' |
Definition at line 92 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppMariadb\getMenuMariadbService(), TplAppMysql\getMenuMysqlService(), and TplAppPostgresql\getMenuPostgresqlService().
const Lang::MENU_CHECK_PORT = 'menuCheckPort' |
Definition at line 93 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApache\getMenuApacheService(), TplAppFilezilla\getMenuFilezillaService(), TplAppMailhog\getMenuMailhogService(), TplAppMailpit\getMenuMailpitService(), TplAppMariadb\getMenuMariadbService(), TplAppMemcached\getMenuMemcachedService(), TplAppMysql\getMenuMysqlService(), TplAppPostgresql\getMenuPostgresqlService(), and TplAppXlight\getMenuXlightService().
const Lang::MENU_CHECK_UPDATE = 'menuCheckUpdate' |
Definition at line 94 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplApp\getSectionMenuRight().
const Lang::MENU_CLEAR_FOLDERS = 'menuClearFolders' |
Definition at line 95 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppClearFolders\process().
const Lang::MENU_EDIT_ALIAS = 'menuEditAlias' |
Definition at line 96 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApache\getMenuApacheAlias().
const Lang::MENU_EDIT_CONF = 'menuEditConf' |
Definition at line 97 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppEditConf\process().
const Lang::MENU_EDIT_VHOST = 'menuEditVhost' |
Definition at line 98 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApache\getMenuApacheVhosts().
const Lang::MENU_ENABLE = 'menuEnable' |
Definition at line 99 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApache\getMenuApache(), TplAppFilezilla\getMenuFilezilla(), TplAppMailhog\getMenuMailhog(), TplAppMailpit\getMenuMailpit(), TplAppMariadb\getMenuMariadb(), TplAppMemcached\getMenuMemcached(), TplAppMysql\getMenuMysql(), TplAppNodejs\getMenuNodejs(), TplAppPhp\getMenuPhp(), TplAppPostgresql\getMenuPostgresql(), and TplAppXlight\getMenuXlight().
const Lang::MENU_ERROR_LOGS = 'menuErrorLogs' |
Definition at line 100 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApache\getMenuApache(), TplAppMariadb\getMenuMariadb(), TplAppMysql\getMenuMysql(), TplAppPhp\getMenuPhp(), and TplAppPostgresql\getMenuPostgresql().
const Lang::MENU_GEN_SSL_CERTIFICATE = 'menuGenSslCertificate' |
Definition at line 101 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppTools\getMenuTools().
const Lang::MENU_INSTALL_SERVICE = 'menuInstallService' |
Definition at line 102 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplService\getItemInstall(), TplAppApache\getMenuApacheService(), TplAppFilezilla\getMenuFilezillaService(), TplAppMailhog\getMenuMailhogService(), TplAppMailpit\getMenuMailpitService(), TplAppMariadb\getMenuMariadbService(), TplAppMemcached\getMenuMemcachedService(), TplAppMysql\getMenuMysqlService(), TplAppPostgresql\getMenuPostgresqlService(), and TplAppXlight\getMenuXlightService().
const Lang::MENU_LAUNCH_STARTUP = 'menuLaunchStartup' |
Definition at line 103 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppLaunchStartup\process().
const Lang::MENU_LOCALHOST = 'menuLocalhost' |
Definition at line 104 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplApp\getSectionMenuLeft().
const Lang::MENU_LOGS = 'menuLogs' |
Definition at line 105 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppFilezilla\getMenuFilezilla(), TplAppMailhog\getMenuMailhog(), TplAppMailpit\getMenuMailpit(), TplAppMemcached\getMenuMemcached(), and TplAppXlight\getMenuXlight().
const Lang::MENU_PUT_OFFLINE = 'menuPutOffline' |
Definition at line 106 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppOnline\process().
const Lang::MENU_PUT_ONLINE = 'menuPutOnline' |
Definition at line 107 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppOnline\process().
const Lang::MENU_REBUILD_INI = 'menuRebuildIni' |
Definition at line 108 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppRebuildIni\process().
const Lang::MENU_REFRESH_REPOS = 'menuRefreshRepos' |
Definition at line 109 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppGit\getMenuGit().
const Lang::MENU_REMOVE_SERVICE = 'menuRemoveService' |
Definition at line 110 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplService\getItemRemove(), TplAppApache\getMenuApacheService(), TplAppFilezilla\getMenuFilezillaService(), TplAppMailhog\getMenuMailhogService(), TplAppMailpit\getMenuMailpitService(), TplAppMariadb\getMenuMariadbService(), TplAppMemcached\getMenuMemcachedService(), TplAppMysql\getMenuMysqlService(), TplAppPostgresql\getMenuPostgresqlService(), and TplAppXlight\getMenuXlightService().
const Lang::MENU_RESTART_SERVICE = 'menuRestartService' |
Definition at line 111 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAestan\getActionService(), and TplService\getItemRestart().
const Lang::MENU_RESTART_SERVICES = 'menuRestartServices' |
Definition at line 112 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppServices\process().
const Lang::MENU_REWRITE_LOGS = 'menuRewriteLogs' |
Definition at line 113 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApache\getMenuApache().
const Lang::MENU_SCAN_REPOS_STARTUP = 'menuScanReposStartup' |
Definition at line 114 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppGit\getMenuGit().
const Lang::MENU_SESSION_LOGS = 'menuSessionLogs' |
Definition at line 115 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::MENU_START_SERVICE = 'menuStartService' |
Definition at line 116 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAestan\getActionService(), and TplService\getItemStart().
const Lang::MENU_START_SERVICES = 'menuStartServices' |
Definition at line 117 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppServices\process().
const Lang::MENU_STATS_LOGS = 'menuStatsLogs' |
Definition at line 118 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::MENU_STOP_SERVICE = 'menuStopService' |
Definition at line 119 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAestan\getActionService(), and TplService\getItemStop().
const Lang::MENU_STOP_SERVICES = 'menuStopServices' |
Definition at line 120 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppServices\process().
const Lang::MENU_TRANSFER_LOGS = 'menuTransferLogs' |
Definition at line 121 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::MENU_UPDATE_ENV_PATH = 'menuUpdateEnvPath' |
Definition at line 122 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApache\getMenuApacheService(), TplAppMailhog\getMenuMailhogService(), TplAppMailpit\getMenuMailpitService(), TplAppMemcached\getMenuMemcached(), and TplAppXlight\getMenuXlightService().
const Lang::MENU_WWW_DIRECTORY = 'menuWwwDirectory' |
Definition at line 123 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplApp\getSectionMenuLeft().
const Lang::MODULES = 'modules' |
Definition at line 57 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApache\getMenuApache().
const Lang::MYSQL = 'mysql' |
Definition at line 134 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionDebugMysql\__construct(), ToolConsoleZ\getTabTitleMysql(), TplAppMysql\process(), and BinMysql\reload().
const Lang::NAME = 'name' |
Definition at line 58 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionGenSslCertificate\__construct().
const Lang::NGROK = 'ngrok' |
Definition at line 150 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppTools\getMenuTools(), ToolConsoleZ\getTabTitleNgrok(), and ToolNgrok\reload().
const Lang::NODEJS = 'nodejs' |
Definition at line 135 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ToolConsoleZ\getTabTitleNodejs(), TplAppNodejs\process(), and BinNodejs\reload().
const Lang::NONE_RUNNING_HINT = 'noneRunningHint' |
Definition at line 25 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAestan\getSectionMessages().
const Lang::PAYPAL = 'paypal' |
Definition at line 59 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::PEAR = 'pear' |
Definition at line 129 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppTools\getMenuTools(), and ToolConsoleZ\getTabTitlePear().
const Lang::PERL = 'perl' |
Definition at line 151 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppTools\getMenuTools(), ToolConsoleZ\getTabTitlePerl(), and ToolPerl\reload().
const Lang::PHP = 'php' |
Definition at line 128 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppPhp\process(), ActionSwitchVersion\processWindow(), and BinPhp\reload().
const Lang::PHP_INCPT = 'phpIncpt' |
Definition at line 173 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by BinPhp\updateConfig().
const Lang::PHPMYADMIN = 'phpmyadmin' |
Definition at line 140 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApps\getMenuApps(), and AppPhpmyadmin\reload().
const Lang::PHPPGADMIN = 'phppgadmin' |
Definition at line 143 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApps\getMenuApps(), and AppPhppgadmin\reload().
const Lang::PORT_CHANGED = 'portChanged' |
Definition at line 187 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionChangePort\processWindow().
const Lang::PORT_NOT_USED = 'portNotUsed' |
Definition at line 184 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by BinApache\checkPort(), BinFilezilla\checkPort(), BinMailhog\checkPort(), BinMailpit\checkPort(), BinMariadb\checkPort(), BinMemcached\checkPort(), BinMysql\checkPort(), BinPostgresql\checkPort(), and BinXlight\checkPort().
const Lang::PORT_NOT_USED_BY = 'portNotUsedBy' |
Definition at line 185 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by BinApache\checkPort(), BinFilezilla\checkPort(), BinMailhog\checkPort(), BinMailpit\checkPort(), BinMariadb\checkPort(), BinMemcached\checkPort(), BinMysql\checkPort(), BinPostgresql\checkPort(), BinXlight\checkPort(), Util\installService(), and ActionChangePort\processWindow().
const Lang::PORT_USED_BY = 'portUsedBy' |
Definition at line 183 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by BinApache\checkPort(), BinFilezilla\checkPort(), BinMailhog\checkPort(), BinMailpit\checkPort(), BinMariadb\checkPort(), BinMemcached\checkPort(), BinMysql\checkPort(), BinPostgresql\checkPort(), and BinXlight\checkPort().
const Lang::PORT_USED_BY_ANOTHER_DBMS = 'portUsedByAnotherDbms' |
Definition at line 186 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by BinMariadb\checkPort(), BinMysql\checkPort(), and BinPostgresql\checkPort().
const Lang::POSTGRESQL = 'postgresql' |
Definition at line 136 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionDebugPostgresql\__construct(), ToolConsoleZ\getTabTitlePostgresql(), TplAppPostgresql\process(), and BinPostgresql\reload().
const Lang::PWGEN = 'pwgen' |
Definition at line 62 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppTools\getMenuTools().
const Lang::PYTHON = 'python' |
Definition at line 152 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppPython\getMenuPython(), ToolConsoleZ\getTabTitlePython(), TplAppPython\process(), and ToolPython\reload().
const Lang::PYTHON_CONSOLE = 'pythonConsole' |
Definition at line 60 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppPython\getMenuPython().
const Lang::PYTHON_CP = 'pythonCp' |
Definition at line 61 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppPython\getMenuPython().
const Lang::QUIT = 'quit' |
Definition at line 63 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionQuit\__construct(), and TplAppExit\process().
const Lang::READ_CHANGELOG = 'readChangelog' |
Definition at line 64 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::REGISTRY_SET_ERROR_TEXT = 'registrySetErrorText' |
Definition at line 332 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by Registry\setValue().
const Lang::RELOAD = 'reload' |
Definition at line 65 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppReload\process().
const Lang::REMOVE_SERVICE_TITLE = 'removeServiceTitle' |
Definition at line 196 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::REPOS = 'repos' |
Definition at line 66 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppGit\getMenuGit().
const Lang::RESTART = 'restart' |
Definition at line 67 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::RESTART_SERVICE_ERROR = 'restartServiceError' |
Definition at line 211 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::RESTART_SERVICE_TITLE = 'restartServiceTitle' |
Definition at line 210 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::RESTART_TEXT = 'restartText' |
Definition at line 348 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionRestart\__construct().
const Lang::RESTART_TITLE = 'restartTitle' |
Definition at line 347 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionRestart\__construct().
const Lang::RUBY = 'ruby' |
Definition at line 153 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppTools\getMenuTools(), ToolConsoleZ\getTabTitleRuby(), and ToolRuby\reload().
const Lang::SERVICE = 'service' |
Definition at line 68 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApache\getMenuApache(), TplAppFilezilla\getMenuFilezilla(), TplAppMailhog\getMenuMailhog(), TplAppMailpit\getMenuMailpit(), TplAppMariadb\getMenuMariadb(), TplAppMemcached\getMenuMemcached(), TplAppMysql\getMenuMysql(), TplAppPostgresql\getMenuPostgresql(), and TplAppXlight\getMenuXlight().
const Lang::SERVICE_ALREADY_INSTALLED = 'serviceAlreadyInstalled' |
Definition at line 191 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by Util\installService().
const Lang::SERVICE_INSTALL_ERROR = 'serviceInstallError' |
Definition at line 193 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by Util\installService().
const Lang::SERVICE_INSTALLED = 'serviceInstalled' |
Definition at line 192 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by Util\installService().
const Lang::SERVICE_NOT_EXIST = 'serviceNotExist' |
Definition at line 197 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::SERVICE_REMOVE_ERROR = 'serviceRemoveError' |
Definition at line 199 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::SERVICE_REMOVED = 'serviceRemoved' |
Definition at line 198 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::SETTINGS = 'settings' |
Definition at line 69 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppPhp\getMenuPhp().
const Lang::SOME_RUNNING_HINT = 'someRunningHint' |
Definition at line 24 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAestan\getSectionMessages().
const Lang::SSL = 'ssl' |
Definition at line 70 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::START_SERVICE_ERROR = 'startServiceError' |
Definition at line 203 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by Util\startService().
const Lang::START_SERVICE_TITLE = 'startServiceTitle' |
Definition at line 202 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionSwitchVersion\processWindow(), and Util\startService().
const Lang::STARTUP = 'startup' |
Definition at line 71 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\__construct().
const Lang::STARTUP_CHANGE_PATH_TEXT = 'startupChangePathText' |
Definition at line 277 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\changePath().
const Lang::STARTUP_CHECK_BROWSER_TEXT = 'startupCheckBrowserText' |
Definition at line 269 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\checkBrowser().
const Lang::STARTUP_CHECK_PATH_TEXT = 'startupCheckPathText' |
Definition at line 275 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\checkPath().
const Lang::STARTUP_CHECK_SERVICE_TEXT = 'startupCheckServiceText' |
Definition at line 281 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\installServices().
const Lang::STARTUP_CLEAN_OLD_BEHAVIORS_TEXT = 'startupCleanOldBehaviorsText' |
Definition at line 272 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\cleanOldBehaviors().
const Lang::STARTUP_CLEAN_TMP_TEXT = 'startupCleanTmpText' |
Definition at line 271 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\cleanTmpFolders().
const Lang::STARTUP_ERROR_TITLE = 'startupErrorTitle' |
Definition at line 285 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\processWindow().
const Lang::STARTUP_GEN_SSL_CRT_TEXT = 'startupGenSslCrtText' |
Definition at line 292 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\createSslCrts().
const Lang::STARTUP_INSTALL_SERVICE_TEXT = 'startupInstallServiceText' |
Definition at line 282 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\installServices().
const Lang::STARTUP_KILL_OLD_PROCS_TEXT = 'startupKillOldProcsText' |
Definition at line 267 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\killOldInstances().
const Lang::STARTUP_PREPARE_RESTART_TEXT = 'startupPrepareRestartText' |
Definition at line 284 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\processWindow().
const Lang::STARTUP_REFRESH_ALIAS_TEXT = 'startupRefreshAliasText' |
Definition at line 273 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\refreshAliases().
const Lang::STARTUP_REFRESH_GIT_REPOS_TEXT = 'startupRefreshGitReposText' |
Definition at line 291 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\refreshGitRepos().
const Lang::STARTUP_REFRESH_HOSTNAME_TEXT = 'startupRefreshHostnameText' |
Definition at line 268 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\refreshHostname().
const Lang::STARTUP_REFRESH_VHOSTS_TEXT = 'startupRefreshVhostsText' |
Definition at line 274 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\refreshVhosts().
const Lang::STARTUP_REGISTRY_ERROR_TEXT = 'startupRegistryErrorText' |
Definition at line 279 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\checkBinsRegKey(), ActionStartup\checkPathRegKey(), and ActionStartup\checkSystemPathRegKey().
const Lang::STARTUP_REGISTRY_TEXT = 'startupRegistryText' |
Definition at line 278 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\checkBinsRegKey(), ActionStartup\checkPathRegKey(), and ActionStartup\checkSystemPathRegKey().
const Lang::STARTUP_ROTATION_LOGS_TEXT = 'startupRotationLogsText' |
Definition at line 266 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\rotationLogs().
const Lang::STARTUP_SCAN_FOLDERS_TEXT = 'startupScanFoldersText' |
Definition at line 276 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\scanFolders().
const Lang::STARTUP_SERVICE_CREATE_ERROR = 'startupServiceCreateError' |
Definition at line 287 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\installServices().
const Lang::STARTUP_SERVICE_ERROR = 'startupServiceError' |
Definition at line 286 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\installServices().
const Lang::STARTUP_SERVICE_PORT_ERROR = 'startupServicePortError' |
Definition at line 290 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\installServices().
const Lang::STARTUP_SERVICE_START_ERROR = 'startupServiceStartError' |
Definition at line 288 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\installServices().
const Lang::STARTUP_SERVICE_SYNTAX_ERROR = 'startupServiceSyntaxError' |
Definition at line 289 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by Util\installService(), ActionStartup\installServices(), and Util\startService().
const Lang::STARTUP_START_SERVICE_TEXT = 'startupStartServiceText' |
Definition at line 283 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\installServices().
const Lang::STARTUP_STARTING_TEXT = 'startupStartingText' |
Definition at line 265 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\__construct().
const Lang::STARTUP_SYS_INFOS = 'startupSysInfos' |
Definition at line 270 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\sysInfos().
const Lang::STARTUP_UPDATE_CONFIG_TEXT = 'startupUpdateConfigText' |
Definition at line 280 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionStartup\updateConfig().
const Lang::STATUS = 'status' |
Definition at line 72 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by Nssm\getError(), and Win32Service\getError().
const Lang::STATUS_PAGE = 'statusPage' |
Definition at line 73 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::STOP_SERVICE_ERROR = 'stopServiceError' |
Definition at line 207 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::STOP_SERVICE_TITLE = 'stopServiceTitle' |
Definition at line 206 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionSwitchVersion\processWindow().
const Lang::SWITCH_PHP_SETTING_NOT_FOUND = 'switchPhpSettingNotFound' |
Definition at line 179 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionSwitchPhpParam\__construct().
const Lang::SWITCH_PHP_SETTING_TITLE = 'switchPhpSettingTitle' |
Definition at line 178 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionSwitchPhpParam\__construct().
const Lang::SWITCH_VERSION_OK = 'switchVersionOk' |
Definition at line 170 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionSwitchVersion\processWindow().
const Lang::SWITCH_VERSION_OK_RESTART = 'switchVersionOkRestart' |
Definition at line 171 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionSwitchVersion\processWindow().
const Lang::SWITCH_VERSION_REGISTRY = 'switchVersionRegistry' |
Definition at line 167 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionSwitchVersion\processWindow().
const Lang::SWITCH_VERSION_RELOAD_BINS = 'switchVersionReloadBins' |
Definition at line 166 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionSwitchVersion\processWindow().
const Lang::SWITCH_VERSION_RELOAD_CONFIG = 'switchVersionReloadConfig' |
Definition at line 165 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionSwitchVersion\processWindow().
const Lang::SWITCH_VERSION_RESET_SERVICES = 'switchVersionResetServices' |
Definition at line 168 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionSwitchVersion\processWindow().
const Lang::SWITCH_VERSION_SAME_ERROR = 'switchVersionSameError' |
Definition at line 169 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionSwitchVersion\processWindow().
const Lang::SWITCH_VERSION_TITLE = 'switchVersionTitle' |
Definition at line 164 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionSwitchVersion\__construct(), BinApache\updateConfig(), BinFilezilla\updateConfig(), BinMailhog\updateConfig(), BinMailpit\updateConfig(), BinMariadb\updateConfig(), BinMemcached\updateConfig(), BinMysql\updateConfig(), BinNodejs\updateConfig(), BinPhp\updateConfig(), BinPostgresql\updateConfig(), and BinXlight\updateConfig().
const Lang::TARGET = 'target' |
Definition at line 74 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionGenSslCertificate\__construct().
const Lang::TOOLS = 'tools' |
Definition at line 75 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppTools\process().
const Lang::VERBOSE_DEBUG = 'verboseDebug' |
Definition at line 76 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppLogsVerbose\getMenuLogsVerbose().
const Lang::VERBOSE_REPORT = 'verboseReport' |
Definition at line 77 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppLogsVerbose\getMenuLogsVerbose().
const Lang::VERBOSE_SIMPLE = 'verboseSimple' |
Definition at line 78 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppLogsVerbose\getMenuLogsVerbose().
const Lang::VERBOSE_TRACE = 'verboseTrace' |
Definition at line 79 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppLogsVerbose\getMenuLogsVerbose().
const Lang::VERSION = 'version' |
Definition at line 80 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::VERSION_URL = 'https://github.com/Bearsampp/Bearsampp/releases/tag/' |
Definition at line 82 of file class.lang.php.
const Lang::VERSIONS = 'versions' |
Definition at line 81 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApache\getMenuApache(), TplAppFilezilla\getMenuFilezilla(), TplAppMailhog\getMenuMailhog(), TplAppMailpit\getMenuMailpit(), TplAppMariadb\getMenuMariadb(), TplAppMemcached\getMenuMemcached(), TplAppMysql\getMenuMysql(), TplAppNodejs\getMenuNodejs(), TplAppPhp\getMenuPhp(), TplAppPostgresql\getMenuPostgresql(), and TplAppXlight\getMenuXlight().
const Lang::VHOST_ALREADY_EXISTS = 'vhostAlreadyExists' |
Definition at line 244 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddVhost\processWindow(), and ActionEditVhost\processWindow().
const Lang::VHOST_CREATED = 'vhostCreated' |
Definition at line 245 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddVhost\processWindow(), and ActionEditVhost\processWindow().
const Lang::VHOST_CREATED_ERROR = 'vhostCreatedError' |
Definition at line 246 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddVhost\processWindow(), and ActionEditVhost\processWindow().
const Lang::VHOST_DOC_ROOT_PATH = 'vhostDocRootPath' |
Definition at line 242 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddVhost\processWindow(), and ActionEditVhost\processWindow().
const Lang::VHOST_DOCUMENT_ROOT_LABEL = 'vhostDocumentRootLabel' |
Definition at line 240 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddVhost\__construct(), and ActionEditVhost\__construct().
const Lang::VHOST_EXP_LABEL = 'vhostExpLabel' |
Definition at line 241 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddVhost\__construct(), ActionEditVhost\__construct(), ActionAddVhost\processWindow(), and ActionEditVhost\processWindow().
const Lang::VHOST_NOT_VALID_DOMAIN = 'vhostNotValidDomain' |
Definition at line 243 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddVhost\processWindow(), and ActionEditVhost\processWindow().
const Lang::VHOST_REMOVE_ERROR = 'vhostRemoveError' |
Definition at line 235 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionEditVhost\processWindow().
const Lang::VHOST_REMOVED = 'vhostRemoved' |
Definition at line 234 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionEditVhost\processWindow().
const Lang::VHOST_SERVER_NAME_LABEL = 'vhostServerNameLabel' |
Definition at line 239 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAddVhost\__construct(), and ActionEditVhost\__construct().
const Lang::VIRTUAL_HOSTS = 'virtualHosts' |
Definition at line 83 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApache\getMenuApache().
const Lang::WEBGRIND = 'webgrind' |
Definition at line 141 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppApps\getMenuApps(), and AppWebgrind\reload().
const Lang::WEBSITE = 'website' |
Definition at line 84 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by ActionAbout\__construct().
const Lang::XDC = 'xdc' |
Definition at line 154 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppTools\getMenuTools(), and ToolXdc\reload().
const Lang::XLIGHT = 'xlight' |
Definition at line 137 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppXlight\process(), and BinXlight\reload().
const Lang::YARN = 'yarn' |
Definition at line 155 of file class.lang.php.
Referenced by TplAppTools\getMenuTools(), ToolConsoleZ\getTabTitleYarn(), and ToolYarn\reload().